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What Is a Facelift and Neck Lift?

Depending on your needs and cosmetic goals, a facelift and neck lift procedure can address common signs of aging in the lower face, jawline, and neck areas. Facelift and neck lift surgery is designed to remove excess fat and sagging skin of the neck while tightening the deeper facial muscles to reveal a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance. Our double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Emily Hrisomalos, can help patients look more refreshed and youthful with facelift and neck lift procedures.

What is the Best Age for a Facelift?

There is no set age at which a facelift is most appropriate, as differences in genetics and lifestyle habits can impact the rate at which facial aging occurs. That said, most facelift procedures are performed on patients in their 40s, 50s, and 60s, when the common signs of aging typically become more prevalent. Ideal candidates should be in good health with realistic expectations regarding their facelift results. Additionally, candidates should: 

  • Avoid smoking for roughly six weeks before and after surgery 
  • Have adequate skin elasticity
  • Discuss any current or prior medical conditions and medications with Dr. Hrisomalos 

For younger patients or those who would prefer a non-surgical alternative, a liquid facelift utilizes injectable neurotoxins and dermal fillers to address the signs of aging and enhance facial aesthetics. A non-surgical facelift can smooth fine lines and wrinkles and restore volume for a more youthful look. 

Ultimately, the best course of action will vary across patients depending on their specific needs and goals. During a consultation, Dr. Hrisomalos can evaluate individual concerns and develop a personalized treatment plan designed to produce the desired aesthetic outcomes. 


How Is the Facelift Procedure Performed?

When deciding the best technique to employ, Dr. Hrisomalos takes into consideration the patient’s unique bone structure, skin texture, and underlying muscle tone. Dr. Hrisomalos generally makes an incision in the temporal hairline that continues along or just inside the ear and ends behind the ear. Most often, an incision is also made in the natural crease under the chin. The exact incision length and location will depend on the patient’s unique anatomy and individualized treatment plan. Dr. Hrisomalos implements specialized techniques to ensure incisions are as inconspicuous as possible. Of course, final healing is dependent on post-operative care and many patient-specific factors.

During the procedure, Dr. Hrisomalos tightens and repositions deep facial tissue, along with debulking unwanted tissue (via liposuction or direct excision), to help restore firmness in the treatment areas and restore contour to the jawline and neck. The skin is then gently re-draped into a natural, tightened position with care taken to avoid anything “overdone” or unnatural appearing.

It is normal for patients to experience discomfort after surgery; however, symptoms are often managed with over-the-counter pain medication. The physical recovery period generally takes one week. Social recovery, of course, is dependent on each patient’s comfort level with being seen during the evolving stages of recovery. Some patients feel comfortable being in public after 7-10 days, others are more comfortable after two to three weeks. Final healing and settling takes several months. Regarding physical activity, patients are okay to start walking and performing normal daily activities immediately after surgery; however, cardio and heavy lifting should be avoided for two weeks and then may be gradually and slowly reintroduced. After the procedure, Dr. Hrisomalos will provide more detailed post-operative instructions to help guide patients during the healing process.

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What is Recovery Like After Facelift and Neck Lift Surgery?

The recovery process varies from patient to patient. On average, swelling and bruising fades two to four weeks after the procedure, and any numbness typically resolves in a few weeks as well. Pain medication may also be prescribed to alleviate discomfort. Keeping the head and neck elevated in addition to remaining hydrated can help diminish swelling and make recovery more efficient. 

“Social” recovery also tends to differ based on when each patient feels most comfortable going out in public. Cold compresses can help minimize swelling, and cosmetics may be able to help diminish the appearance of post-surgical bruising. Dr. Hrisomalos will let patients know when it is okay to begin applying make-up again. 

To maintain strong and healthy skin post-surgery, Dr. Hrisomalos recommends using quality skin care products to protect from sun damage and reduce future signs of aging. 

Will I Have Facelift and Neck Lift Scars?

Most surgeries that involve incisions produce scarring. That said, an experienced facial plastic surgeon like Dr. Hrisomalos can often discreetly place incision lines along natural contours of the face and neck, resulting in scars that are as inconspicuous as possible. With a facelift and neck lift, incisions can be placed along the hairline, behind the ear, or beneath the chin. Additionally, scars typically fade over time to become less noticeable. Dr. Hrisomalos takes great care to minimize visible scarring when performing a facelift and neck lift.


How Much Does a Facelift and Neck Lift Cost?

The overall cost of treatment will be different for every patient, as the procedure is individualized to each person’s own unique needs and aesthetic goals. Some factors that go into how much a person may spend on a facelift and neck lift include the following:

  • Overnight stay cost (if necessary)
  • Complexity of treatment
  • Additional adjuvant procedures
  • Dr. Hrisomalos’ surgical fee
  • Surgical facility costs and anesthesia fees

During the consultation, Dr. Hrisomalos will give you a better idea of what your treatment plan will be and how much it will cost. Our practice offers a variety of payment options that we will also go over with you.

To learn more about the facelift and neck lift procedure or to book a consultation with Dr. Hrisomalos, please do not hesitate to contact us today!

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“Dr Emily as I call her is first class. Very caring kind and gentle. My results are amazing. My saggy neck is flat lifted and beautiful. She lifted by eyes and I am not only pretty but my vision is much better. I would highly recommend her to anyone wanting to look young and beautiful. Great experience.”

Actual Patient

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